Both globally and in Denmark, the shift towards renewable energy sources has made VCCs crucial instruments for offsetting carbon emissions and promote further transition to renewable energy sources. The markets allow for the purchase of VCCs, but with a rapid development, little and scattered regulation, the marketplace has become a “grey-zone” for ad-hoc solutions between the market-frontiers and a patchwork of regulatory context, that have become difficult for companies to navigate in.
The VCCs have difficult legal characteristics and prompts for caution when traded by market participants. This seminar will explore a handful of key topics related to the origination, sale, and transfer of VCCs and addressing the challenges posed by diverse national regulations.
In this seminar you will be given a valuable insight into the current state of regulation and market contract practices when it comes to Verified Carbon Credits (VCC), and the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM).
Our key-note speaker, Erik Rylander from Stockholm Exergi, will share practical insights of how to pave the road for reaching VCM off take agreements, such as the one for BECCS Stockholm just entered into between Stockholm Exergi and Microsoft - the world’s largest scope for permanent removals deal to date.
The panel of speakers will also share experience gained from some of the first Danish and international contracts related to the origination, transfer, and retirement of VCCs. We will discuss the use of the standard contracts developed by the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and other important legal issues pertaining to VCCs and the VCM.
The seminar will bring insights into the nature of the VCM from both a practical and a legal perspective, and covering regulatory barriers, the use of VCCs as legal instruments and selected legal challenges in terms of origination and transfer of rights and credits.